
We provide customers with weekly curbside garbage collection services. Residents may choose between 32, 64 or 96 gallon containers. Please be sure to reference the list of determined accepted and not accepted materials.


Household garbage

Items that cannot go into recycling or yard waste carts

Disposable diapers & personal care products

Pet waste & kitty litter (bagged)

Styrofoam (put packing peanuts in bags)

Plastic bags and plastic wrap

Food Waste

Cold ashes (bagged)


No hazardous waste

No hot ashes

No Liquids of any kind

No TVs, computers, cell phones, or electronic devices

No needles or medical waste

No dead animals

Liquids of any kind: antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, used oil, pool chemicals, paint, thinners, pesticides, insecticides, etc.

No dirt, rock or concrete

No batteries, fluorescent tubes, mercury switches, E-waste, or U-Waste

General Service Details

Your cart will not be serviced if any of the above conditions are not met. Thank you for your help with automated collection service! Please call ACES at 209-274-2237 for assistance or if you have any questions about the automated system.

Other Information

  • Materials must fall freely from container when dumped.
  • Lids on all carts must be completely closed.
  • Containers will not be serviced if they are over-filled, are not accessible, or contaminated inappropriate materials.
  • The rate you pay is for a level, full container. Additional charges may apply if extra garbage is placed, or if cart is over-stuffed, or over flowing with refuse.
  • Drivers will not collect any extra garbage unless you have made prior arrangements with the office. Contact us to make those arrangements via email or by calling customer service at 209-274-2237.